These are Mission opportunities that we support on an ongoing basis.  There are many ways to participate including financial support through our tithes and offerings.

Local Food Bank


We facilitate the giving of both food items and dollars to the Stanwood Food Bank. This is the only food bank in town, and it provides free food for residents.

Family Shelter

Interfaith Association of Northwest Washington is addressing the needs of families experiencing homelessness through the united commitment of different faith groups and community members. Stanwood UMC provides Welcome Boxes containing items needed as people enter the shelter and Best Wishes Boxes filled with useful items that a family needs as they transition out of the shelter and into permanent housing.

Jamaa Letu Orphanage in Africa

Donations go to support of the 80 kids at the Jamaa Letu orphanages in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo. $493 will support 1 child for a year.

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)

Whenever disasters strike, United Methodists respond with the knowledge that Disaster Response and Recovery is a vital part of our church mission. Response and Recovery happens on five levels at once: our Conference-wide efforts, work of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), district response and recovery, local church efforts, and community support.