Sun. 3/2 8:45am, Choir practice in the Sanctuary.
9:15am, Children’s Sunday School in the Library,
Parent Sun School in Pastor Justin’s office.
10:00am, Worship Service in the Sanctuary.
11:00am, Coffee Hour in Wesley Hall. POTLUCK!
Mon. 3/3 Canceled, Pastor Justin’s ConneXion Group in the Anderson Rm.
5-6:30pm, Bell Choir Practice in the Sanctuary.
Weds. 3/5 2:30-4pm, Flaming Hearts LGBTQIA+Allies teen social group,
Library and upstairs.
5-6:00pm Ash Wednesday Service in the Sanctuary.
————, Deadline for the 3/13 All Church Weekly Email.
Fri. 3/7 ————-, Office Closed.
Sat. 3/8 5-8:00pm Youth Dynamics’ (The Spot) Dinner and Auction at Smokey Point Community Ch.
Sun. 3/9 ———– Daylight Savings!
8:45am, Choir practice for performance at 10am.
9:15am, Children’s Sunday School in the Library,
Parent Sun. School in Pastor Justin’s office.
10:00am, Worship Service, Prayer Partner Cards. Chancel
Choir Performs.
11:00am, Coffee Hour in Wesley Hall. Host Needed!
Mon. 3/10 Canceled, Pastor Justin’s ConneXion Group in the Anderson
5-6:30pm, Bell Choir Practice in the Sanctuary.
Weds. 3/12 2:30-4pm, Flaming Hearts LGBTQIA+Allies teen social group,
Library and upstairs.
————, Deadline for the 3/20 All Church Weekly Email.
Fri. 3/14 9:30am-1:00pm, Crazy Quilters in the Anderson Room.
Sat. 3/15 10am-12p Puget Sound Public Farms Gardeners Growing Together event at Stanwood Library.
Sun. 3/16 9:15am, Children’s Sunday School in the Library/Red Room.
10:00am, Worship Service, Missions Moment. Bell Choir Performs.
11:00am, Coffee Hour in Wesley Hall. Host Needed!
Mon. 3/17 ———– Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
2:00pm Pastor Justin’s ConneXion Group Resumes!
5-6:30pm Bell Choir Practice in the Sanctuary.
Tues. 3/18 1:30pm, Council Meeting in the Anderson Room.
Weds. 3/19 2:30-4pm, Flaming Hearts LGBTQIA+Allies teen social group, Library.
————, Deadline for the 3/27-April. All Church Monthly Email.
Fri. 3/21 ————-, Office Closed.
Sun. 3/23 9:15am, Children’s Sunday School in the Library/Red Room.
10:00am, Worship Service in the Sanctuary.
11:00am, Coffee Hour in Wesley Hall. Host Needed!
Mon. 3/24 2:00pm, Pastor Justin’s ConneXion Group in the Anderson
5-6:30pm, Bell Choir Practice in the Sanctuary.
Tues. 3/25 10:00am-2:00pm, Happy Hands Crafting Group in the Anderson
Weds. 2/26 2:30-4pm, Flaming Hearts LGBTQIA+Allies teen social group,
————, Deadline for the 4/3 All Church Weekly Email.
Fri. 3/28 ————-, Office Closed.
Sun. 3/30 9:15am Children’s Sunday School in the Library/Red room.
Parent Sun. School in Pastor Justin’s office.
10:00am Worship Service in the Sanctuary. Hymn Sing and UMCOR Sun!
11:00am Coffee Hour in Wesley Hall. Host Needed!
Mon. 3/31 2:00pm Pastor Justin’s ConneXion Group in the Anderson room!
5-6:30pm Bell Choir Practice in the Sanctuary.
Weekly Group Meetings:
-Cub Scouts Pack #86: Meeting 1st and 2nd Tuesdays of the month, 6:30-7:30pm, all classrooms and W.H.
–Camano Island Quilters:
General Membership Mtgs. 1st Weds. of the month, 9am-3pm, Sanctuary and Wesley Hall.
Workshops 1st Thurs. of the month, 9am-4pm, Wesley Hall.
Open Sew every 2nd Mon. of the month, 10am-2pm, Anderson Room.
Slow Sew every 2nd Tues. of the month, 10am-12pm, Anderson Room.
-Flaming Hearts Teen Social Club: Every Weds. 2:30-4pm.
-Kingsmen AA Group: Every Weds. 6:30-7:30pm.
-Clean & Serene NA Group: Every Wednesday. 6:30-8pm.
-AA Group: Every Thursday. 6:30-8pm.
-Al-Anon Group: Every Thursday. 7:30-9pm.