Canceled until September: 10AM Hand Bell choir Performance

On Sunday, at 10am in Wesley Hall, come enjoy beautiful music performed by our very own Hand Bell Choir. They practice each week on Mondays at 11am and perform the 3rd Sunday of every month. Coffee Hour will follow at 11am in Wesley Hall.
Please remember: Both the Sanctuary and the Narthex are closed for construction.
Please enter the building through the E. door off the E. parking lot OR the N. door off the N. Parking lot. Enter and exit Wesley Hall through the door that leads to the kitchen across the hall from the nursery.
Also, please leave closer parking spots open for people in need of easier access into the building.
*Please do not go into the Sanctuary or the Narthex at any time!*
Let us know if you have any questions.

Contact the church office at 360-629-9555 for more information if needed.