December Events

Mon. 12/2
5-6:30pm, Bell Choir Practice in the Sanctuary.

Tues. 12/3
———– Giving Tuesday.

Weds. 12/4
2:30-4pm, Flaming Hearts LGBTQIA+Allies teen social group, Library.
———– Deadline for the 12/12 All Church Weekly Email.

Thurs. 12/5
———– Poinsettia orders and payments Due!

Fri. 12/6
———– Office Closed.

Sun. 12/8
8:45am, Choir Practice, in the Sanctuary.
9:15am, Children’s Sunday School, in the Library/Red Room. 10:00am, Worship Service in the Sanctuary. 2nd week of Advent: “Peace”. Guest Preacher: Rev. Mary Boyd
Choir Performance and Prayer Partner Cards Sunday.
11:00am, Coffee Hour in Wesley Hall.

Mon. 12/9
5-6:30pm, Bell Choir Practice in the Sanctuary.

Weds. 12/11
2:30-4pm, Flaming Hearts LGBTQIA+Allies teen social group, Library.
———– Deadline for the 12/19 All Church Weekly Email.

Thurs. 12/12
———– Josephine gifts in gift bags with their tags due!

Fri. 12/13
9:30am-1pm, Crazy Quilters Group, Anderson Room.
———– Office Closed.

Sun. 12/15
8:45am, Bell Choir Practice and Set up in the Sanctuary.
9:15am, Children’s Sunday School, in the Library/Red Room.
10:00am, Worship Service in the Sanctuary. 3rd week of Advent.
Guest Preacher: Rev. Mary Boyd
Bell Choir Performance and Mission Moment Sunday.
11:00am, Coffee Hour in Wesley Hall. Host Needed.

Mon. 12/16
5-6:30pm, Bell Choir Practice in the Sanctuary.

Tues. 12/17
3:00pm, All Church Charge Conference Meeting, Wesley Hall.

Weds. 12/18
12:00pm, United Women in Faith Lunch Potluck, Wesley Hall
2:30-4pm, Flaming Hearts LGBTQIA+Allies teen social group, Library.
———– Deadline for the 12/26 All Church weekly Email.

Sat. 12/21
12:00pm, Blue Christmas Service in the Sanctuary.

Sun. 12/22
9:15am, Children’s Sunday School, in the Library/Red Room.
10:00am, Worship Service in the Sanctuary. 4th week of Advent.
Guest Preacher: Rev. Mary Boyd.
11:00am, Coffee Hour in Wesley Hall. Host Needed.

Mon. 12/23
5-6:30pm, Bell Choir Practice in the Sanctuary.

Tues. 12/24
4:00pm, Christmas Eve. Candlelight Service! Bell and Chancel Choir Performs!

Weds. 12/25
———– Office Closed in observance for Christmas Day. Merry Christmas!!!!

Thurs. 12/26
———– Office Closed in observance for Christmas.

Fri. 12/27
———– Office Closed.

Sun. 12/29
9:15am, Children’s Sunday School, in the Library/Red Room.
10:00am, Worship Service in the Sanctuary. Carol Sing Sunday!
Guest Preacher: Rev. Mary Boyd.
11:00am, Coffee Hour in Wesley Hall. Host Needed.

Mon. 12/30
5-6:30pm, Bell Choir Practice in the Sanctuary.

Weds. 1/1/25
———– Office Closed in observance for New Year’s Day. Happy New Year!!!!!

Group Meetings:
-Cub Scouts Pack #86: Meeting 1st and 2nd Tuesdays of the month, 6;30-7:30pm, all classrooms and W.H.
-Camano Island Quilters:
General Membership Mtgs. 1st Weds. of the month, 9am-3pm, Sanctuary and Wesley Hall.
Workshops 1st Thurs. of the month, 9am-4pm, Wesley Hall.
Open Sew every 2nd Mon. of the month, 10am-2pm, Anderson Room.
Art Quilts every last Weds. of the month, 10am-12pm, Anderson Room.
-Flaming Hearts Teen Social Club: Every Weds. 2:30-4pm.
-Kingsmen AA Group: Every Weds. 6:30-7:30pm.
-Clean & Serene NA Group: Every Wednesday. 6:30-8pm.
-AA Group: Every Thursday. 6:30-8pm.
-Al-Anon Group: Every Thursday. 7:30-9pm