Community Response

Dear Stanwood UMC and UM Women: We want to say a huge thank you for all of the socks, underwear, hats and gloves. We were in need of all of those items and have already put them to good use on these cold days! Thank you!” Stanwood Elementary School  

Congregational Care

Congregational Ministry Starting The Congregational Care Committee is beginning to organize a new ministry. The entire active congregation will be divided into small groupings of 10 – 12 households. A Care Group Leader will have oversight of each grouping and make monthly contacts with each member to see how they are doing. Any needs that…

Lazy F

New Dining Hall for Lazy F By Dave Burfeind | Director, Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center We are now into the next level of the campaign to raise funds for a new dining hall at Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center. The initial stages of talking with friends of the camp and groups using our facility…

It Takes a Village

Helen Smith has been in charge of our wedding receptions and memorial services for many years. She has many willing volunteers to help her, drawing from UM Women and other members of the church.   Helen also is responsible for the bulletin board (s), especially the one near the double wooden doors in Narthex. Martha Sanders,…

In Support of LGBTQ Persons

How horrendous is this massacre of 49 persons and the wounding of 54 others! This act of violence was born out of hate as well as terrorism. It’s both. Violence and hate must be stopped wherever and whenever it is expressed or threatened. We pray and extend our heartfelt condolences to those whose lives have…

Hand Chimes Workshop

A hand chimes workshop will be held here at the church during July and August. The purpose is to teach some basic ringing techniques, music notation and terms used in hand bell ringing.  This will be a non performance group.  The last two sessions will involve using hand bells.  Seven people are needed for the…

UMW Potluck Picnic

We will celebrate with a Potluck picnic…beverages will be provided. Wednesday, June 8, 2016, at 1130 Beach One at Camano Country Club. Bring your favorite potluck item and come enjoy a fun time with good companions and great visits.  All women and their guests are invited. Call Pam Fredricksen or Isabelle Durland for information Last …