Announcements (Page 13)

Worship Services Combined Nov 22nd

To celebrate and dedicate our Estimate of Giving cards, we will have a combined worship service at 10:45 and will be using elements from both the traditional and contemporary services.  This will be followed by a soup lunch provided by our conneXion groups.


In several weeks we will distribute order forms for Christmas Poinsettias in the bulletin. If you want to order and don’t have an order form, just call the office at 629-9555. Cost will be approximately $10 or $11 each. One dollar from each sale will benefit the Safe Graduation Program at Stanwood High School.  

Wesley Hall Renovation

During the Wesley Hall renovation, the first service coffee time will be in the Anderson Room  at 10:00AM.  The ConneXion Group that normally meets in the Anderson Room at 10:30AM will meet in the Library.  The Monday night ConneXion Group will meet in the Anderson Room.  During construction the Contemporary Service will meet in the…

Disciplines Daily Devotional

It is time to place our order for the daily devotional for 2016 called Disciplines.  If you want a copy to be ordered for you, please call the office at 629-9555 by November 1, 2015.  The cost is approximately $14 for regular print and $16 for large print.   

School Supplies Update

The picture is of all the school supplies donated by church members for the Stanwood Elementary School two blocks north of the church.   We met or exceeded our goal of 50 items in each category requested!   Thanks to everyone who contributed supplies or money to this effort.  

Jars for Jamaa Letu

A total of $246.79 was raised for Jamaa Letu as a result of throwing our pocket change into Jars for Jamaa Letu from Easter until the end of May. Jeff and Helen Hoover, Missionaries in The Congo, spoke at SUMC on October 3rd. Six hundred, ninety-five dollars was received in donations for TESOL, The English…

Fall Stewardship Campaign

Money affects your heart. Whether you are in plenty or in want, money has a direct connection to your stress level, your anxiety, and the health of your relationships. It is no wonder, then, that Jesus talked about the relationship between our treasure and our hearts. For a four-week period beginning on the last Sunday…

Self Sufficient?

Last week I discovered my cats think they are self-sufficient!  Let me explain.  About a month ago I bought an automatic feeder for them.  Now 3 times a day they get a measured amount of cat food dispensed.  Before this, however, my cats were at my bedroom door, even before I woke up.  They followed…