Easter Services

Traditional Easter Service: 9:00am

Easter Egg Hunt: 10:15am (invite your kids & grandkids!)

Contemporary Service: 10:45am


Greetings in Christ! He is Risen!

In a world of challenges such as we are facing today, isn’t it wonderful to know that we serve a risen Savior?

When Jesus arrived on the scene over 2,000 years ago things were much different than they are now in so many ways, yet the human heart is still very much the same now as it was then.

People were divided then as now as to “what” the answer is. Those of us who know Christ know that it’s less of a “what” question than a “who” question. There’s a song written by Andre Crouch that simply makes the statement that “Jesus is the answer for the world today.” Even though that song was written a few years ago, Jesus is STILL the answer for this world!

In the Gospel of Matthew we read how an angel appeared to the women at the tomb early that first Easter morning. The angel explained to them that Jesus was not there because he had been raised from the dead, just as he said! Matthew tells us that the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy.

That’s what the resurrection does. It takes our fear, our worry, our hurt, our sadness…and it puts it all into perspective.

The fact that Jesus is risen from the dead, that he was victorious over death and sin, is reason to celebrate. It’s that fact that gives us joy despite our circumstances and through whatever we may face. What happened on that first Easter day still brings us joy and it still changes lives today.

I hope the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus will fill you with joy no matter what your circumstances, no matter what you face. Rejoice and sing as we celebrate how Jesus still changes lives today.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Dan