School Supplies for Stanwood Elementary School

For the upcoming school year, we will be supporting our neighborhood elementary school, Stanwood Elementary.  We have made contact with them and they are thrilled with the offer of support for their students!

Below is the list of supplies that they are most in need of. Our plan is to have the supplies delivered the first week of school. Please keep these supplies in mind as you are out doing your shopping. Many school supplies start to go on sale in July.

Our goal is to collect 50 of each item!

  • 24 pack crayons
  • large glue sticks
  • 3 prong pocket folders
  • pee-chees
  • dry erase markers
  • colored pencils
  • pencil box
  • spiral notebook (wide rule)
  • yellow highlighter
  • notebook paper (wide rule)

This is a great way that our church has helped to support the students and families in our community. These school supplies will go right to the students in need. Thank you for your continued support in our community!