Pastor Dan is retiring! Now what?!

The process of getting a new Pastor next July has begun. It seems daunting, and may seem a little worrisome. Some questions you may be asking are: How do we find a new Pastor?  Where do we even look? Who decides? What kind of Pastor is available?  First of all, I would like to explain the basic process of choosing a Pastor so that you will better understand what’s going to happen in the coming months.  Many Protestant churches, such as Baptists or Presbyterians, among others, have “Congregational” systems of organization. Pastors are “called” by the individual church. The church body has the final authority. So, simply stated, each individual church chooses it’s Pastor.

The United Methodist Church has a “connectional” system of organization. UM churches are connected in the Annual Conference. All pastors ordained in the United Methodist church are “itinerant”, meaning that they go where the church Conference wants them to go for their ministry. Because of this “itinerant” system, Pastors are actually appointed every year.  Many of them are appointed to remain at the same church, or they may be reassigned to another church, or they may ask to move to another assignment, or signal that they wish to retire.  The bishop has the authority for appointing pastors. The bishop consults with the district superintendent in our area in making appointments, who has regular consultations with the staff/pastor-parish relations committee (SPRC), and Pastor Dan. It is the bishop’s job, with the help of input from the district superintendent and the cabinet, to decide who is the best fit for each church in the conference needing a pastoral change.

The SPRC has prepared a profile of the church to give them a clear picture of our church, community, our wishes and goals. You may have been asked questions over the summer from a member of SPRC members to hear your thoughts in these areas. SPRC had its first meeting with the district superintendent just before the Charge Conference a few weeks ago. These confidential meetings will continue throughout the winter and into spring. We have taken the first step in a multi month long process towards getting a new Pastor in July 2020.  What can you do to help? Pray for your pastor, your church, your district superintendent, the bishop and cabinet, and the Annual Conference. They are all involved in the process.  Together, with God’s guidance, we will all move forward towards the future of Stanwood UMC.

Karen Fix Curry, SPRC Chair