Missions Committee News

There are different kinds of service in the church, but it is the same God we are serving.  1 Corinthians 12:8

        Our Missions Committee has been having monthly meetings as we prepare to serve those that find themselves in need for shelter given to them from the Interfaith Family Program in Everett. The generosity of our church family has provided items to fill the boxes that are needed by these families. The recipients are very thankful for all that is given to them. Five boxes were brought in January filled with towels, soap, cleaning items, can openers, stamps, etc., along with a separate box filled with different sizes of socks.

Joe Wiederholds’ letter was read so that we can partner with him in his work with Youth Dynamics. He brings the love of Christ into the lives of these young people. Financial support from individuals in our congregation has been given, however, since he is not a paid staff member of our church, perhaps you would like to be added to this list of supporters. Young people express many challenges in life and his work with them places them on a path of better living experiences.

Appreciation from the committee is given to our congregation for the many ways in which we serve our Lord. Contact a member of the committee should you have questions about our ministry.

Nancy Adams, Janie Burgess, Sarah Everett, Chuck Durland, Ann Finne, LuWana Wiechmann-Gosch