Worship Services Information for April 11th

We have been approved for level 2.1 for COVID guidelines.  What this means is we can now have up to 25 people in the building at one time.  We will still need to wear masks and stay 6 feet apart. The services will be as follows:

  •   9:00AM – in the Sanctuary
  • 11:00AM – in Wesley Hall

These will all be the same service.  It just allows more people to attend by having multiple services.  You will need to either email Janice at: sumc@stanwoodumc.org or call her at (360) 629-9555 to save your spot for the service you would like to attend.  There will only be 21 openings per service, so be sure to let her know:

  • how many people will be attending
  • which service you want to attend

Janice has a sign-up sheet in her office where she will be keeping track for attendance purposes.  If you have signed up and need to cancel, please call and let her know so we can allow someone else to take that spot.

*You will need to sign up weekly until further notice*

3/29 Worship Service - Niskayuna Reformed Church