Plant Sale

being held by the United Methodist Women

Reminder, the United Methodist Women are having their plant sale on Saturday, the 7th of May, from 10AM to 2PM in the parking lot at SUMC.  If you have plants to share, but can’t dig them up and pot, let Susan Cole, at 360.629.1046, know and she will come out and do that.  Lots of good stuff that we know of already including berries, teacups filled with succulents and moss, shamrocks, and calla lilies.  Good chance to get something for Mother’s Day!  If you are going to be gone on the 7th and have plants, they can be dropped at the church Friday in the smaller parking lot (labeled please).

We also still need setup help at 8AM on the 7th for those who missed the meeting/signup.

Next UMW meeting will be our annual picnic potluck located at Country Club Beach #1 at 11:30AM on June 15th.