End Racism

Dismantling Racism: Pressing on to Freedom A Service of LamentWednesday, June 24 1 pm EDT | 12 noon CDT | 11 am MDT | 10 am PDT United Methodists around the world will gather here and on Facebook to pray and lament for the racism in our midst. Hear God’s call to join in the work…

“A Cross that Leads Us to Reclaim our Humanity”

Sermon Text:  Matthew 10: 24-39 Think About It:  One of the commentators I read this week highlighted the word “soul” (psyche in Greek) in v 28 of our text today.  Whereas Greek thought, heavily influenced by Platonic dualism, might see the “soul” as being able to separate from the “body”—this did not represent Jewish thought. …

New Start Time

We are changing our “LIVE” start time on Sunday’s for our Sunday Worship, starting this Sunday: Date: May 3 Start Time: 9:00AM as we continue our series: “The Heart of the Matter” Easter Season Series for Online Worship

A Church in Transition

For the past several months I have been walking you through the process of Pastor Dan’s retirement, and Pastor Justin White’s appointment to our church. May is the last full month that Pastor Dan will be with us, since he will be at conference mid-June and taking his remaining vacation time the second half of…

worship online !

Click this Link: https://youtu.be/guV7ihqG_sw April 5, 2020 Palm Sunday Online 10:45am Worship Service We are postponing in-person worship services for the time being and going virtual.  Join us on Sundays at 10:45 for “live” online worship.   The service will include music, prayer and Scripture and a message by Pastor Dan as he continues his…

Staff Spotlight – Kris Johnson

Kris Johnson, Sound and Computer/AV Tech Kris Johnson is a long time member here at Stanwood UMC, and is one of our paid staff.  He’s been a member for over 15 years, since he was a teenager.  He has  studied Computer Science and is a Jack-of-all-trades for our church.  He runs the sound board, makes…