We had a wonderful Youth-led Maundy Thursday Service with great attendance from both Marysville UMC and Stanwood UMC on April 2. The Youth learned so much about worship planning, leader-ship and our Methodist connectional system and we raised $512 for Imagine No Malaria to be sent to the Conference! The Youth Summer Mission Auction was…
June 14, 2015 we proudly became a reconciling congregation, the latest step in our long faith history of welcoming and working for justice for all God’s children. Please visit our Welcome page to read our Statement of Inclusion. Stanwood United Methodist Church is a reconciling, LBGTQI-friendly congregation. ALL are welcome here.
The monthly church newsletter, The Messenger, is provided below in Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format). Simply click on the link below to download or view the May Messenger. May 2015 SUMC Messenge (3 MB)