Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. In fulfillment of his own purpose he gave us birth by the word of truth, so that we would become a kind of first fruits…
May 18, 2021 Let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us,looking to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith… After deep reflection, conversation with my family and consultation with trusted colleagues, I am withdrawing my request for retirement, effective January 2022, to continue my assignment to the Greater Northwest Area.…
Beloved, This Sunday will be our first Sunday of one service. We will not have a person limit, however, for the rest of May, we still will be asking people to wear masks in church, even if you are fully vaccinated. This rule will shift and change in June. There will be more about this…
The charge conference will be held on June 13 following the church service, in the Sanctuary. All church MEMBERS are welcome to attend. If you are not a church member and would like to become one, please let Janice or Justin know.
Starting, Sunday, May 9th, the services will be held at 8:30AM and 11:30AM. We have received continuous feedback with people wanting to be in the Sanctuary for Sunday services. Therefore, both services will now be held in the Sanctuary starting on this date. You will still need to call to hold your spot, weekly, because…
We have been approved for level 2.1 for COVID guidelines. What this means is we can now have up to 25 people in the building at one time. We will still need to wear masks and stay 6 feet apart. The services will be as follows: 9:00AM – in the Sanctuary 11:00AM – in Wesley…
February 10, 2021 Beloved in Christ, I write to you today with two announcements that will impact the Greater Northwest Area of The United Methodist Church this year. On Epiphany, I requested voluntary retirement as a bishop in The United Methodist Church, effective December 31, 2021. Today, I share this news with you. It seems…
This link is for information purposes. It is information of COVID Vaccination Phases and when you might be able to get yours.https://form.findyourphasewa.org/210118771253954
Sparkling Carol Duets for Organ & Piano by Jeff Highland and Mary Lu Conley
Christmas time has come again. And what a remarkable year it has been. We’ve seen church families band together to help each other and support our congregation with time, talent and financial contributions. But greater seasonal participation is always welcome. Since we can’t all gather in person to celebrate and worship this year, Stanwood United…