Missions Committee News

There are different kinds of service in the church, but it is the same God we are serving.  1 Corinthians 12:8         Our Missions Committee has been having monthly meetings as we prepare to serve those that find themselves in need for shelter given to them from the Interfaith Family Program in Everett. The generosity…

SUMC Community Outreach

As we continue to be good stewards of our church property, we are able to provide warm inviting spaces that can host large meetings in our community.  One group of around 150 members that has been using the sanctuary and Wesley Hall for many years is the Camano Island Quilters, who hold monthly meetings and…

In Remembrance

Our condolences are with the family of Marguerite Potts who passed away on November 28, 2019. There will be a service at Brookdale in Stanwood on January 18th at 1pm Also with the family of Joan Arthur who recently passed away

Pastor Dan is retiring! Now what?!

The process of getting a new Pastor next July has begun. It seems daunting, and may seem a little worrisome. Some questions you may be asking are: How do we find a new Pastor?  Where do we even look? Who decides? What kind of Pastor is available?  First of all, I would like to explain…

Disciplines Devotional

Janice will be ordering the 2020 Disciplines on November 25th.  If you would like one to be ordered for you, please specify on the signup sheet located in Wesley Hall on the counter We need to know how many and what size you are wanting.  The cost is $15 for large print and $13 for…

Thankful for One Another….

I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude lately, and not because of Thanksgiving approaching.  It’s been on my mind because Janice, our Office Administrator took it on herself to promote pastor’s appreciation month, which in churches is in October.  I was surprised and pleased by all your kind words, cards, and goodies through which you…

Celebration Sunday

Please bring your completed Estimate of Giving card on Sunday as we conclude the sermon series Defying Gravity. Our very own professional baker Kari Jensen will be making the cakes for our Celebration Sunday Potluck that will follow our single service at 10:45 am this Sunday, October 27th.   Please bring a lunch item to share as…